United Methodists recognize racism as sin and commit to challenging unjust systems of power and access. In this way, we honor our baptismal vow to resist evil, injustice, and oppression. Below you will find a variety of resources to empower us in being an anti-racist community. Check back often to find the latest of how Faith United is living into our call to radically welcome all people.
The Love Your Neighbor Walk is a 15-day study designed to create dedicated time and space to delve into scripture and connect God's word to our social justice habits, particularly those dealing with issues of race, power, and leadership. Each day provides opportunities to reflect on scripture then select from a variety of activities such as reading an article, listening to a podcast or watching a video. The Love Your Neighbor Walk is indebted to the faithful work of the Stark County Dismantling Racism Task Force and their 15 Day Unity Challenge to Dismantle Racism in Stark County.
To Access the Love your Neighbor Walk Click Here
Faith Church Believes in Families
Our Lord has placed a high value on children and so do we.
Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” Mark 10:14
The well-being of children, youth and all persons is important at Faith United.
The high value and importance Faith United places on all persons is reflected in our vision and core values. Our church strives to provide “Safe Sanctuary” for all God’s children. We are continually seeking ways to improve and better implement “Safe Sanctuary” procedures to protect our children, youth and vulnerable adults in order to make our congregation a safe place where everyone may experience the abiding love of God and fellowship within the community of faith. This includes children’s check in/out procedures, training and background checks for those working with children, youth and vulnerable adults, restrooms equipped for older children and adults with special needs, sensory manipulatives, resources and partnership assistance availability, and procedures that guide the interaction of adults with children, youth and vulnerable adults.
Click here to continue reading about Safe Sanctuary at Faith United.
Faith United has partnered with KultureCity to become Sensory Inclusive Certified!
Faith United has partnered with a non-profit organization called KultureCity to improve our ability to assist and accommodate persons with sensory needs. Our desire is to provide an inclusive and seamless experience for all persons, including those with sensory needs so that all persons who come to the church for worship, community events, programs, and activities will experience welcoming and acceptance.
Click here to continue reading about Sensory Inclusive at Faith United.
"People of Faith caring for our World"
Faith and the Environment Ministry here at Faith United is an expression of our congregations' need to put into action the gratitude we feel for this magnificent earth. The divine nature of our Creator bestows on all that is created as a sacred legacy. Collectively we commit ourselves to the task of under-standing and preserving this legacy.
Click here to continue reading about Faith and the Environment at Faith United.