We strive to raise awareness of the needs and challenges faced by individuals with sensory processing disorders by providing our volunteers and staff with continuous training and by offering tools and resources along with the following accommodations to all persons:
- Sensory Bags
- Sensory bags containing special KCVIP badges, fidget tools, noise canceling headphones, and other resources are available for checkout at our Welcome Tables in the Gathering Area and Family Life Center or in the church office.
- Weighted Lap Pads
- Weighted lap pads are also available upon request for checkout at our Welcome Tables in the Gathering Area and Family Life Center or in the church office.
- Signage that identifies Quiet Areas and Headphone Zones
- Quiet Area signs help to identify spaces where persons can go to relax and have some space away from busy or loud areas. Headphone Zone signs identify events which may be louder than normal.
- Social Story and KultureCity All-Inclusive App
- Download the KultureCity All-Inclusive App to find Faith United’s social story to further help you with your visit to the Faith United Methodist Church. You can also use the app to locate other sensory inclusive certified locations. Download the KultureCity App: http://bit.ly/KCiphone or http://bit.ly/KCandroid
Click here to view Faith United’s Social Story
- Worship Engagement Manipulatives
- Flexible Seating Options
- In addition to sensory tools provided by KultureCity, Faith United’s Worship Engagement Shelves provide sensory and worship manipulatives to enhance worship experiences and community events for all persons. Flexible seating options are available in Faith United’s children’s classrooms.
Questions? Please contact Kathy Schmucker at kschmucker@faithumchurch.org or 330-499-6040 if you have any questions or would like more information.
Online Sensory Inclusive Training is available for all persons who serve at Faith United.
Click here for Sensory Inclusion Frequently Asked Questions
Click here to read article published by the East Ohio Conference of the United Methodist Church