Sunday at Faith United

  • Traditional Worship Service 8:30am

    Sundays at 8:30am in the Sanctuary or Livestreamed on YouTube and Facebook.

    We offer a traditional service that takes us back to our roots and dives deeply into the rich history and impacting symbolism of the founding generations of United Methodism. We experience worship through hymns, piano, organ, and traditional elements of communal gathering. Join us as we explore together how to better become the united body of Christ that we are called to be in the world today.

  • Modern Worship Service 9:45am

    Sundays at 9:45 am in the Family Life Center or Livestreamed on YouTube and Facebook.

    A change from the traditional, our Modern Worship Service is  held in the Family Life Center. This service offers more casual and free form approach to worshiping our living God. We experience worship through guitar, drums, keyboard, and other instruments. Join us as we come together to praise, pray, grow and fellowship together.

  • Communion Service 11:00am

    This service is a 11:00 am and is held in the Sanctuary.  The service will include prayer, a sermon, a few hymns, and we will offer communion every week.

  • Sunday School Opportunities

    8:30 am Nursery Care and Preschool

    Sunday School Room 8, 8B

    9:45 - 10:45 am Elementary Sunday School Children begin together in the Chapel and then separate into groups depending on age.
    Kindergarten through second grade in room 4 "The Jungle Room" and third grade through fifth grade in room 5.

    9:45 am Nursery Care and Preschool Sunday School Room 8, 8B

    9:45 am Adult Sunday School  Office Conference Room

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